Logistische Prozesse in Druckereien

advanter special – Logistics in print companies

The logistics processes in print companies are as varied as the orders. And here too, everything must be perfectly thought out, integrated and transparent in order to be “in time, budget and quality”. It is also important to plan the logistical processes optimally in order to optimise storage capacities and utilisation permanently. The larger and more complex the orders, the more complex the logistical requirements.

Today more than ever, it is essential that print companies monitor their logistical costs, identify potential efficiency improvements and realise cost savings. These areas also often conceal important optimisation potential that could mean the difference in the profit margin. How precisely the additional costs incurred in the area of logistics are analysed can be decisive for the efficiency of the order. It is not uncommon for such additional costs to have a serious impact and spoil the precious profit margin.

With digital support, you are ideally equipped to discover the dormant treasures in your logistics processes. Often, advanter proves to be a true “profit hunter” 😉. So:

Let's go treasure hunting in logistics!

“Treasure hunting in logistics….. might be a bit of an exaggeration,” many readers may be thinking. And of course, as everyone knows, not every treasure hunter always finds what they are looking for. But after all, not everyone wins the lottery and yet thousands of people keep playing. With far fewer chances of success.

So let’s seize the opportunity! Let’s take the scent of the order and go on an imaginary treasure hunt in the field of logistics with our “profit hunter” advanter.


Entdecken Sie die verborgenen Schätze in Ihren logistischen Abläufen


Order entry by clerk

The order is entered in order processing or by the office staff. In addition to the details of the actual production order, the information known in advance about the planned dispatch can also be entered here. Either the customer has already specified their wishes regarding the packaging or shipping method or estimated values are stored. These are stored in the advanter “Shipping and freight cost list”.

For many standard order types, such as trade fair business or campaigns, the packaging and shipping details are already stored in the system. When the order type is selected, the packaging details are pre-assigned as a suggestion.

Example of pre-assigned packaging details when selecting the order type Trade fair business

The material can be checked for availability directly from here and booked into the warehouse accordingly.

With all the information in the job pocket, the order is sent on to production. The order is printed.

Finalisation of production

Production of the printed product(s) is completed. This is confirmed digitally in advanter by a completion message. The labels can now be printed from the action menu – depending on the requirements, product and/or motif labels and/or pallet flags can be printed:

Motif label, product label and pallet flag
Examples of motif labels, product labels and pallet flags

When production is complete, the information is sent to the processing department (or back office) at the same time. Example delivery note with QR codes for parcel creationThe delivery note – or, depending on the order, the delivery notes (in principle: 1 delivery note per delivery address) – is (or are) digitally attached to the order and provided in printed form.

This saves valuable time later after packing. With the delivery note already (pre-)printed, the parcels can be packed later in the picking process. If no further changes are made to the delivery note, it is then placed directly in the finished parcel.

The material booked for packing can be ordered via advanter using a transport order and made available for picking. Time, place, storage location – everything can be planned digitally in advance.

Logistics / order picking

The goods packages pre-packed or bundled in production, including delivery note(s) and, if applicable, picking transfer note, are transferred to the logistics/picking department.

The order is opened on terminals (Ipad, PC, Macbook, mobile phone, etc.) (either manually or by scanning the QR code on the delivery note).

Parallel to the real parcel, each parcel is also packed virtually in the “advanced parcel creation” area. Regardless of whether the overall delivery will later consist of one or more parcels.

The screen for entering the parcels opens for this purpose. The packaging materials can be selected here – if not already done in the order entry.

advanter package creation: Selection of packaging materials
advanter parcel preparation: Selection of packaging materials

For large campaigns, this can also be selected as a “mass setting” for multiple delivery notes.

Once a parcel has been packed, it is weighed. Either directly via a connected scale, which feeds the weight back into advanter, or manually.
Finally, a parcel content label will be printed with all the details of the parcel contents, including size and weight:

Beispiel Paketinhaltsetikett

If the order consists of several packages, the next package can be packed directly during package preparation. Once the entire order has been packed, it is finally “finalised”.

Interface carrier or multicarrier software

When picking is complete, information is automatically sent to the dispatch service provider via an XML interface. Either a shipping service provider is addressed directly or a multicarrier shipping software (e.g. Heidler, Vlog, Multipress) is used as an intermediary.

This type of software is ideal if you work with different carriers. The shipping software accesses the information in the XML file and creates a tracking number and the shipping label, which are transferred to advanter. Usually in a matter of seconds. As soon as the parcel is loaded at the carrier, a dispatch notification including tracking number is automatically sent to the customer.

For internal fleets, the “own dispatch” option is selected and planned accordingly.

And where is the treasure?

We have already found parts of the treasure: the treasures result from the optimised process. This is transparent at all times and in every detail for everyone involved in the order process. Working hand-in-hand across all trades in “real-time status” saves an enormous amount of time and money. No information is lost.

But there are other deep red “low hanging fruits” waiting to be discovered in the depths of your processes!

Information playback & cost reconciliation - hidden diamonds

Let us search a little further in your process!

When the shipment is scheduled, the transport costs estimated by the service provider/carrier are played back in advanter in addition to the tracking number.

Overall, the shipping costs are made up of numerous costs:

  • transport
  • packaging
  • labour time for logistics
  • various additional costs (e.g. due to special customer requests)

You should analyse these again after dispatch. This is because some things may have been forgotten on the journey of the order through your company.

The “Shipping and freight costs list” takes you back to the item list, which contains all the items for the carrier. All logistically relevant items for the selected order type are included here. This includes both service and material items. Both the items that have already been entered with the order entry and all items added during the production process (internal and external) as well as labour times and expenses directly from the PDA.

Sales orders, Packaging and delivery
Example of items in the shipping and freight cost list

advanter now offers the advantage that all additional costs can not only be viewed but also edited at a glance. Items can be zeroed and converted to flat rates, additional costs can be visualised in a comprehensible manner, additional costs can be transferred to other items or surcharges can be added. Optional items that were previously forgotten can be added directly to the document. Cartons that have not been booked can be rebooked directly via the warehouse. Missing receipts or incoming invoices are listed. Target and actual times (these come directly from the PDA) for all activities are visible and can be checked and readjusted. And and and.

Simply nothing remains hidden.

The “Packaging and shipping costs check” offers the possibility to track and evaluate any changes that occur in the process flow and to use them for the exact profit margin calculation and the onward invoicing to the customer. This means that the calculation and evaluation are always based on actual consumption.

Raise the treasure: Utilising potential - accounting for forgotten services!

There is so much potential for (re)calculating profit margins here. Because every company has a huge potential for “forgotten” billing services. Especially in the area of shipping and packaging. The hidden treasures are there. Sometimes there is just a lack of clarity to discover them. So: check your logistics process and look for your treasures!

Diagram / Overview of processes relevant to logistics in print shops
Diagram / Overview of processes relevant to logistics in print companies

Once the transport costs have been finalised, the invoice can be written. With amounts for realistic logistics costs that are comprehensible for you and the customer and that can tip the scales in your favour.

How can we support you?

Experience in a personal online live demo how you can use advanter in your business and also optimise your processes. We will be happy to support you in focussing on the big picture or even the smallest details.

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